Yeah well to Marge I'm just her little Homey and the rest of the kids think I'm just Mr.Under Achiever........No one respects me at home so thats why I am here.
Homerovah the Almighty
JoinedPosts by Homerovah the Almighty
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
JWs all excited Big A just around Corner- Earthquakes-Indonesia
by stillajwexelder in
a big earthquake predicted.
just to let you know all jws in our area are all wide eyed and almost orgasmic over all the earthquakes in the pacific ocean/indian ocean area - the end - armagedon is just around the corner.
Homerovah the Almighty
Oh yes just to further my previous comment, on all those supposed signs of the times of the last days such as earthquakes, famine, wars and rumor of wars, lawlessness,
and all the rest of them, they were all happening in biblical times when that was written and sometimes worst then today, whoever quoted that statement was blowing smoke through his hat in
a attempt to draw attention to himself.
It's a common mistake that religionists like the JWS forget to take in to account or perhaps they've never study ancient history enough.
JWs all excited Big A just around Corner- Earthquakes-Indonesia
by stillajwexelder in
a big earthquake predicted.
just to let you know all jws in our area are all wide eyed and almost orgasmic over all the earthquakes in the pacific ocean/indian ocean area - the end - armagedon is just around the corner.
Homerovah the Almighty
Jws are delusional idiots or more politely said uneducated drones, the fact that great earthquakes have been taking place on earth for millions of years
they are two tectonic plates that are banging into one another, these quakes have caused some of the greatest mountain ranges on this planet such as the Rockies or Himalayas
and so on. I find it somewhat amusing in a way that back 3 thousand years ago when there was no science or knowledge around, whenever a earthquake happened or lighting appeared
these were all considered god's expressive anger. Here we are in 2007 and there are people that still consider that very same thing.......the folly of human imagination is live and well is it
not ?
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Homerovah the Almighty
Thanks guys for the info I didn't know that.......I stand corrected
Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion
by CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter ini am interested in getting a copy of the cd.
has anyone downloaded it anywhere for mass distribution?
Homerovah the Almighty
Sounds like a must read.......from my post just made on a other Canadian issue..
It isn't all too surprising, many pedophiles lurk and hide themselves under cover so to speak, in amongst the righteous people of churches or this case kingdom halls
The JWS always claimed that it was always the other Satan controlled religions like the Catholics for example, but the problem was with them just as well.
They would never openly admit it of courses. the only reason the Catholics had to admit they had a problem is because the media force it upon them.
Allot evil can be covered up with the white sheet of righteous as the general public is starting to realize, even at the kingdom halls.
There is after all a public relations clause that states that are particular religious faith is pure, good and righteous unlike the others around.
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Homerovah the Almighty
Hey Bumble Bee are you saying that you used to have a 1 hour book study then go out in service, just curious ?
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Homerovah the Almighty
Outlaw makes a valid point about Yoga classes with a PO's wife, that doen't sound right, whats up with that.......Ooompa ?
Was told about another JW molester in Ontario
by truthsearcher ina storekeeper and i got into a conversation about the witnesses yesterday and i told him about the recent lawsuit settlements for pedophiles by the watchtower.
that prompted his memory of a local case where a witness was being molested by daddy and brother, went to the elders, told she was lying, nothing done to dad and big bro.
years later, she finally got up the nerve to do something about it, the case went to court, charges were laid.
Homerovah the Almighty
It isn't all too surprising, many pedophiles lurk and hide themselves under cover so to speak, in amongst the righteous people of churches or this case kingdom halls
The JWS always claimed that it was always the other Satan controlled religions like the Catholics for example, but the problem was with them just as well.
They would never openly admit it of courses. the only reason the Catholics had to admit they had a problem is because the media force it upon them.
Allot evil can be covered up with the white sheet of righteous as the general public is starting to realize, even at the kingdom halls.
There is after all a public relations clause that states that are particular religious faith is pure, good and righteous unlike the others around.
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Homerovah the Almighty
Now Now boys easy does it .... outlaw's comment comes from the fact that most JWS do not go to a book study Saturday morning, they go out in service
your area may be the exception, they usually meet first at their home study place briefly then leave from there for service.
And by the way outlaw doesn't need meds he's already funny/wacko as is.
You two should start to learn to get along better with another, your brothers of a cause remember ? ..........Homerovah has spoken !
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Homerovah the Almighty
Oompa your wife isn't at a study she's with me and we just finished having sex, she says your spending far too much time on the computer to pay her any attention.
Got Ya !